This is the opportunity to create unforgettable moments at BEAUTY International yourself and experience the MAGIC OF PERMANENT MAKE-UP and the PERMANENT BEAUTY MASTERS!
From 2024, BEAUTY DÜSSELDORF will dedicate an exclusive area to permanent make-up: the leading beauty trade fair will combine the conference, competition, live demo shows and product sales areas in a single PMU exhibition area. Over the three days of the trade fair, interested visitors can find out all about permanent make-up.
Experts from the PMU industry and high-calibre speakers will provide interesting specialist knowledge in lively presentations and talks and report on the latest trends and current techniques. In the "Meet the Expert Lounge", the speakers will be available for questions and personal dialogue. In the live demo shows, outstanding PMU artists will demonstrate their skills and reveal tips and tricks. Academies, schools and selected companies will present their offerings with live performances in the Permanent BEAUTY Area.
Olga Hendricks from OH-ACADEMY, an entrepreneur and trainer who has been active in the beauty industry for over 20 years, will provide professional support in the conception of the Permanent BEAUTY Masters and the Permanent BEAUTY Area as well as in the compilation of the lecture programme. Olga Hendricks will once again be chairing the expert jury at the Permanent BEAUTY Masters 2024.